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Natural Pain Relief from a Herniated Disc in Newport Beach, CA

Natural Pain Relief from a Herniated Disc | Chiropractor for Low Back Pain in Newport Beach, CA

If you’re suffering from a herniated disc and feel as though you’ve exhausted all your options while trying to avoid surgery, there’s hope yet. At Genesis Back and Neck in Newport Beach, we’re proud to offer a specialized solution that could be the answer you’ve been searching for.

Specializing in Spinal Decompression with the DRX 9000

Our clinic specializes in spinal decompression therapy, utilizing the advanced DRX 9000 system. This cutting-edge technology allows us to precisely target specific discs that are causing discomfort, ensuring that our treatment is both effective and tailored to your specific condition. The DRX 9000 is designed to be safe and comfortable, making it an appealing option for those wary of more invasive procedures.

An Impressive Track Record

One of the most compelling aspects of our spinal decompression therapy is its success rate. We’ve seen an 86% success rate with our patients, a testament to the efficacy of this treatment in providing lasting relief from herniated disc pain. This high success rate reflects our commitment to providing treatments that not only address the symptoms but also work to solve the underlying issue.

Ready for Lasting Results?

If you’re ready to move beyond merely treating symptoms and are seeking a solution that offers lasting results, we invite you to explore what spinal decompression therapy can do for you. As part of our commitment to your health and well-being, we’re offering a first free consultation and treatment. This is your opportunity to learn more about how the DRX 9000 can alleviate your herniated disc pain and to experience firsthand the potential benefits of spinal decompression therapy.

Take the First Step Towards Relief

Click the link below to take advantage of our offer for a free consultation and treatment. Let us show you how spinal decompression therapy at Genesis Back and Neck can make a significant difference in your life, helping you to return to the activities you love without the shadow of herniated disc pain looming over you. It’s time to experience the relief you deserve.

Priestley Family Chiropractic

At Priestley Family Chiropractic, our mission is to educate, check and adjust as many families as possible so they can experience optimal health through natural chiropractic care. Newport Beach chiropractor Dr. Kevin Priestley focuses on allowing your body and brain to communicate, relieving pain and restoring your health while being free from any harmful side effects.

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